Old News


I've finally decided to stop deleting all of my old messages, so I'll just put them up here *^_^*  ...   30 July, 2000

30 July, 2001.   I guess the most obvious update is that I changed my front page and added some additional pages, such as the Cliques page and the Old News page.  I still have lots of things to scan in, but my new Morning Musume obsession has been taking up a lot of time (don't moan, they're not so bad; they're just happy)

5 June, 2001. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION IS FINALLY UP and being updated!!! I still have heaps of new things to scan in and put up. I have over 30 new UFO catcher dolls too from: Gokinjo Monogatari,Utena, The Slayers, St. Tail, Evangelion, Sakura Taisen, Hide, Love Hina, and a whole lot more. I have some auctions up too--MARGARETMAGAZINES--HANAYORI DANGO--in Yahoo Auctions. After this, I'm only doing magazine auctions by request because it takes a lot of time to scan in the pics, and two years of magazines takes way too long to scan in everything. WILL HAVE UP KARE KANO AUCTION SOON!!!
I've been working on my new gem hobby too, so please drop by My Gems page to take a look =)

28 May, 2001.  It's pretty much the same as 5 June *^_^*